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Common cures and treatments for various types of arthritis on dogs


There are different types of arthritis that can set in on dogs. In this article we will look at one such treatment option that is commonly used.

Glucosamine is the ingredient that is commonly found in most supplements for dogs and is used to treat various ailments on animals including arthritis. Granted, it can’t treat osteoarthritis but is commonly used as a preventative measure to prevent the onset of this disease.

Glucosamine is found in all sorts of foods including, fish, meat and milk. So it is extremely unlikely that you can find it in your grocery store’s pet food so you’d need to be careful about where you were feeding your dog. Animal by-products are often the source from which glucosamine is derived and includes things like bones, other animal parts and by-products that are not fit for human consumption.

This is the same case with foods that use ingredients like corn, potatoes or other starchy products. Similarly, yeast is often times used to add a ‘flea touch’ to foods that will supposedly drive away fleas. Again, you’re probably going to find this in your dog’s food simply because it’s been processed as a by-product.

Whole Foods are the Best

As we mentioned above the best way to ensure that your dog is consuming a healthy diet is to ensure that the food you buy is from whole foods. You want to be sure that the label of your dog’s food includes ingredients like potatoes, meat and whole grains.

Just by switching your dog’s food to ‘real’ food is a significant improvement over his current diet. Sure, you will save some money in the short term but, in the long run, you’ll save money because you’ll have a healthier and happier dog.

There are some side effects to switching to whole foods for your dog’s diet but we can assure you that these are rare. You will probably notice that your dog has more energy and his coat will be much sleeker – but that’s pretty standard for a healthy dog.

Garlic and Herbs

Your dog needs a little garlic and some herbs to keep his joints healthy – and these can be purchased on the internet. Please however, be aware that some herbs can be toxic if given to your dog – so check with your vet first.


As we’ve said before, arthritis can be caused by an inflammatory response in the joints. This one however, while improving your dog’s quality of life, may have negative side effects.

Sage has been regarded as an anti-inflammatory since it’s been observed to reduce inflammation in the joints of arthritic dogs. estimates suggest that Sage can reduce a hundred percent of arthritic pain and immeasurably improve your dog’s quality of life.

It’s a much safer alternative to non-ibilities and you don’t have to worry that you may be poisoning your dog every time you give it a piece of s country.

You will find a list of probable dangers and side effects with Sage that follows the natural dog remedies on the website below.

Finally, if you’re more concerned about the safety of the ingredients that your are feeding your dog, you’ll be able to rest easy in the knowledge that you are providing the best and safest natural remedies for your dog’s ailments.

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